Social Media has changed the way we interact with each other over the internet. When Tim Berners-Lee designed the World Wide Web he envisioned a network of people connecting and working together. What we have today is a lot of shallow connections with a lot of people working against each other.
You are here because you sought out more information about me. I appreciate the effort and hope you will find something interesting. My goal is to currate topics that are interesting to me. To provide you insight into how I work. And a guide to projects I build.
I’m a software developer who lives in Pittsburgh. Software development is my career and also my hobby. I enjoy exploring new languages, practices, and theory as well as understanding project management and DevOps. My posts and projects will cover these topics and many more.

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Scheme interpreter written in Go
API written in Go to demonstrate using a Tensorflow model

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This rewrite of my website comes as I start a new chapter in my journey through software development. The last decade of my life has gone towards writing Shipping Go. In that book I describe my approach to setting up a software process. In the next chapter I want to explore software development on a hyper scale. I want to take this process and apply it to myself and share it with you.